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Scheduled Tasks

Windows Scheduled Tasks are a common form of persistence on Windows systems. There are two (2) types of Scheduled Task files:

  • XML based files
  • Job based files

artemis supports both formats. Starting on Windows Vista and higher XML files are used for Scheduled Tasks.

Other Parsers:

  • Any XML reader
  • Velociraptor (Only supports XML Scheduled Tasks)


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "tasks_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "jsonl"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "tasks"
# Optional
# alt_file = "C:\\Artifacts\\At1.job"

Collection Options

  • alt_file Full path to alternative Schedule Task file. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will parse all Schedule Task files at their default location.

Output Structure

Collection of TaskData

export interface TaskData {
/**Array of `TaskXml` parsed XML files */
tasks: TaskXml[];
/**Array of `TaskJob` parsed Job files */
jobs: TaskJob[];

* JSON representation of the Task XML schema.
* Most of the schema is Optional. Only `Actions` is required
export interface TaskData {
/**Array of `TaskXml` parsed XML files */
tasks: TaskXml[];
/**Array of `TaskJob` parsed Job files */
jobs: TaskJob[];

* JSON representation of the Task XML schema.
* Most of the schema is Optional. Only `Actions` is required
export interface TaskXml {
/**Registration Info about the Task */
registrationInfo?: RegistrationInfo;
/**Triggers that start the Task */
triggers?: Triggers;
/**Settings for the Task */
settings?: Settings;
/**Base64 encoded raw binary data associated with the Task */
data?: string;
/**Principal user information related to the Task */
principals?: Principals;
/**Actions executed by the Task */
actions: Actions;
/**Path to the XML file */
path: string;

* Parsed information about the Job file
export interface TaskJob {
/**ID associated with the Task */
job_id: string;
/**Error retry count for the Task */
error_retry_count: number;
/**Error retry interval for the Task */
error_retry_interval: number;
/**Idle deadline for Task */
idle_deadline: number;
/**Idle wait for Task */
idle_wait: number;
/**Task Priority */
priority: string;
/**Max run time for Task */
max_run_time: number;
/**Task Exit code */
exit_code: number;
/**Task Status */
status: string;
/**Flags associated with Task */
flags: string[];
/**Last run time for Task in LOCALTIME */
system_time: string;
/**Running count for Task */
running_instance_count: number;
/**Application name associated with Task */
application_name: string;
/**Parameters for application */
parameters: string;
/**Working directory associated with Task */
working_directory: string;
/**Creator of Task */
author: string;
/**Comments associated with Task */
comments: string;
/**Base64 encoded User data associated with Task */
user_data: string;
/**Start Error associated with Task */
start_error: number;
/**Triggers that start the Task */
triggers: JobTriggers[];
/**Path to Job file */
path: string;

* Triggers associated with Job file
interface JobTriggers {
/**Task start date */
start_date: string;
/**Task end date */
end_date: string;
/**Task start time */
start_time: string;
/**Task duration */
duration: number;
/**Task interval */
interval_mins: number;
/**Array of trigger flags */
flags: string[];
/**Array of trigger types */
types: string[];

* Registration Info related to Task XML
interface RegistrationInfo {
/**URI associated with */
uri?: string;
/**SID associated with Task */
sid?: string;
/**Source of Task */
source?: string;
/**Creation OR Modification of Task */
date?: string;
/**Creator of Task */
author?: string;
/**Version level of Task */
version?: string;
/**User-friendly description of Task */
description?: string;
/**URI of external documentation for Task */
documentation?: string;

* Triggers that active the Task
interface Triggers {
/**Boot triggers for Task */
boot: BootTrigger[];
/**Registration triggers for Task. Format is exactly same as BootTrigger*/
registration: BootTrigger[];
/**Idle triggers for Task */
idle: IdleTrigger[];
/**Time triggers for Task */
time: TimeTrigger[];
/**Event triggers for Task */
event: EventTrigger[];
/**Logon triggers for Task */
logon: LogonTrigger[];
/**Session triggers for Task */
session: SessionTrigger[];
/**Calendar triggers for Task */
calendar: CalendarTrigger[];
/**Windows Notifications triggers for Task */
wnf: WnfTrigger[];

* Most Triggers have a collection of common options
interface BaseTriggers {
/**ID for trigger */
id?: string;
/**Start date for Task */
start_boundary?: string;
/**End date for Task */
end_boundary?: string;
/**Bool value to activate Trigger */
enabled?: boolean;
/**Time limit for Task */
execution_time_limit?: string;
/**Repetition for Task */
repetition?: Repetition;

* Repetition Options for Triggers
interface Repetition {
/**Trigger restart intervals */
interval: string;
/**Repetition can stop after duration has elapsed */
duration?: string;
/**Task can stop at end of duration */
stop_at_duration_end?: boolean;

* Boot options to Trigger Task
interface BootTrigger {
/**Base Triggers associated with Boot */
common?: BaseTriggers;
/**Task delayed after boot */
delay?: string;

* Idle options to Trigger Task
interface IdleTrigger {
/**Base Triggers associated with Idle */
common?: BaseTriggers;

* Time options to Trigger Task
interface TimeTrigger {
/**Base Triggers associated with Time */
common?: BaseTriggers;
/**Delay time for `start_boundary` */
random_delay?: string;

* Event options to Trigger Task
interface EventTrigger {
/**Base Triggers associated with Event */
common?: BaseTriggers;
/**Array of subscriptions that can Trigger the Task */
subscription: string[];
/**Delay to Trigger the Task */
delay?: string;
/**Trigger can start Task after `number_of_occurrences` */
number_of_occurrences?: number;
/**Trigger can start Task after `period_of_occurrence` */
period_of_occurrence?: string;
/**Specifies XML field name */
matching_element?: string;
/**Specifies set of XML elements */
value_queries?: string[];

* Logon options to Trigger Task
interface LogonTrigger {
/**Base Triggers associated with Logon */
common?: BaseTriggers;
/**Account name associated with Logon Trigger */
user_id?: string;
/**Delay Logon Task Trigger */
delay?: string;

* Session options to Trigger Task
interface SessionTrigger {
/**Base Triggers associated with Session */
common?: BaseTriggers;
/**Account name associated with Session Trigger */
user_id?: string;
/**Delay Session Task Trigger */
delay?: string;
/**Session change that Triggers Task */
state_change?: string;

* Windows Notification options to Trigger Task
interface WnfTrigger {
/**Base Triggers associated with Windows Notification */
common?: BaseTriggers;
/**Notification State name */
state_name: string;
/**Delay Notification Trigger Task */
delay?: string;
/**Data associated with Notification Trigger */
data?: string;
/**Offset associated with Notification Trigger */
data_offset?: string;

* Calendar Options to Trigger Task
interface CalendarTrigger {
/**Base Triggers associated with Calendar */
common?: BaseTriggers;
/**Delay Calendar Trigger Task */
random_delay?: string;
/**Run Task on every X number of days */
schedule_by_day?: ByDay;
/**Run Task on every X number of weeks */
schedule_by_week?: ByWeek;
/**Run Task on specific days of month */
schedule_by_month?: ByMonth;
/**Run Task on specific weeks on specific days */
schedule_by_month_day_of_week?: ByMonthDayWeek;

* How often to run Task by days
interface ByDay {
/**Run Task on X number of days. Ex: Two (2) means every other day */
days_interval?: number;

* How often to run Task by Weeks
interface ByWeek {
/**Run Task on X number of weeks. Ex: Two (2) means every other week */
weeks_interval?: number;
/**Runs on specified days of the week. Ex: Monday, Tuesday */
days_of_week?: string[];

* How often to run Task by Months
interface ByMonth {
/**Days of month to run Task */
days_of_month?: string[];
/**Months to run Task. Ex: July, August */
months?: string[];

/**How often to run Tasks by Months and Weeks */
interface ByMonthDayWeek {
/**Weeks of month to run Task */
weeks?: string[];
/**Days of month to run Task */
days_of_week?: string[];
/**Months to run Task */
months?: string[];

* Settings determine how to run Task Actions
interface Settings {
/**Start Task on demand */
allow_start_on_demand?: boolean;
/**Restart if fails */
restart_on_failure?: RestartType;
/**Determines how Windows handles multiple Task executions */
multiple_instances_policy?: string;
/**Disable Task on battery power */
disallow_start_if_on_batteries?: boolean;
/**Stop Task if going on battery power */
stop_if_going_on_batteries?: boolean;
/**Task can be terminated if time limits exceeded */
allow_hard_terminate?: boolean;
/**If scheduled time is missed, Task may be started */
start_when_available?: boolean;
/**Run based on network profile name */
network_profile_name?: string;
/**Run only if network connection available */
run_only_if_network_available?: boolean;
/**Wake system from standby or hibernate to run */
wake_to_run?: boolean;
/**Task is enabled */
enabled?: boolean;
/**Task is hidden from console or GUI */
hidden?: boolean;
/**Delete Task after specified duration and no future run times */
delete_expired_tasks_after?: string;
/**Options to run when Idle */
idle_settings?: IdleSettings;
/**Network settings to run */
network_settings?: NetworkSettings;
/**Task execution time limit */
execution_time_limit?: string;
/**Task Priority. Lowest is 1. Highest is 10 */
priority?: number;
/**Only run if system is Idle */
run_only_if_idle?: boolean;
/**Use unified scheduling engine to handle Task execution */
use_unified_scheduling_engine?: boolean;
/**Task is disabled on Remote App Sessions */
disallow_start_on_remote_app_session?: boolean;
/**Options to run Task during system maintenance periods */
maintenance?: MaintenanceSettings;
/**Task disabled on next OS startup */
volatile?: boolean;

* Restart on failure options
interface RestartType {
/**Duration between restarts */
interval: string;
/**Number of restart attempts */
count: number;

* Idle options
interface IdleSettings {
/**Task may be delayed up until specified duration */
duration?: string;
/**Task will wait for system to become idle */
wait_timeout?: string;
/**Task stops if system is no longer Idle */
stop_on_idle_end?: boolean;
/**Task restarts when system returns to Idle */
restart_on_idle?: boolean;

* Network options
interface NetworkSettings {
/**Task runs only on specified network name */
name?: string;
/**GUID associated with `NetworkSettings` */
id?: string;

* Maintenance options
interface MaintenanceSettings {
/**Duration of maintenance */
period: string;
/**Deadline for Task to run */
deadline?: string;
/**Task can run independently of other Tasks with `MaintenanceSettings` */
exclusive?: boolean;

* SID data associated with Task
interface Principals {
/**Principal name for running the Task */
user_id?: string;
/**Determines if Task run on logon */
logon_type?: string;
/**Group ID associated with Task. Task can be triggered by anyone in Group ID */
group_id?: string;
/**Friendly name of the principal */
display_name?: string;
/**Privilege level of Task */
run_level?: string;
/**Process Token SID associated with Task */
process_token_sid_type?: string;
/**Array of privileges value */
required_privileges?: string[];
/**Unique user selected ID */
id_attribute?: string;

* Actions run by the Task
interface Actions {
/**Executes one or more commands */
exec: ExecType[];
/**COM handler to execute */
com_handler: ComHandlerType[];
/**Send an email */
send_email: SendEmail[];
/**Display a message */
show_message: Message[];

* Command options
interface ExecType {
/**Command to execute */
command: string;
/**Arguments for command */
arguments?: string;
/**Path to a directory */
working_directory?: string;

* COM options
interface ComHandlerType {
/**COM GUID */
class_id: string;
/**XML data for COM */
data?: string;

* SendEmail options
interface SendEmail {
/**Email server domain */
server?: string;
/**Subject of email */
subject?: string;
/**Who should received email */
to?: string;
/**Who should be CC'd */
cc?: string;
/**Who should be BCC'd */
bcc?: string;
/**Reply to email address */
reply_to?: string;
/**The sender email address */
from: string;
/**Custom header fields to include in email */
header_fields?: Record<string, string>;
/**Email message body */
body?: string;
/**List of files to be attached */
attachment?: string[];

* Message options
interface Message {
/**Title of message */
title?: string;
/**Message body */
body: string;